Saturday, July 17, 2010

Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer – Some Important Facts

Radiotherapy for breast cancer is something which has been contributing towards saving life of women suffering from breast cancer.

In modern times, almost every field has been developed a lot. And in the field of medical sciences, several treatments are developed to cure several serious diseases. Moreover, radiotherapy is one of those latest treatments. This therapy treats breast cancer by using powerful radiations to destroy the affected cells and harms as little as possible to normal tissues or cells.

Radiotherapy for breast cancer is mostly used by radiotherapists after breast cancer surgery. With this treatment, it becomes easier for doctors to remove the affected part of breasts. One important thing is that this therapy ca be used after or without any earlier breast surgery.

Radiotherapy treatment is normally comprised of series of daily sessions. Patients are needed to visit to hospital every day specified by doctors. Treatment involves just 10-15minutes and may lass for 3-6 weeks.

During the procedure of radiotherapy for breast cancer, one may notice certain side effects like tiredness and soreness but they disappear after complete treatment. Doctor usually discusses side effects and related changes with patients to make them comfortable. External radiotherapy is safe for children and other people living with the patient.

In the treatment, affected part gets removed without affecting normal tissues or lymph nodes in breast. Whole breast area including underarm, collar bone area and breast bone area are covered under the treatment of radiotherapy for breast cancer. One is just needed to go through a recognized hospital and doctors for better results.

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