Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Radiology equipment that never goes obsolete

The most vital concern medical institutions of all kinds have regarding implementing newer technologies is the amount of extra money they would have to shell out not only to replace the software, but also to purchase new radiology equipment. And this is a valid concern by all means, since medical hardware does have a reputation of being downright expensive. However, with the computed radiography (CR) technology, this problem has been taken care of, and hospitals, physicians & nursing homes alike can leverage this latest technology to treat patients without having to overshoot their budgets.

CR basically acts as a bridge between conventional and newer radiography technologies to give medical professionals the edge of and upgrade to treat patients in a better manner, all the while ensuring that there are no problems on the monetary front. The technique involves an imaging plate that has photostimulatable phosphor as one of its constituents, the specialty of this chemical being that it can respond to X-rays and produce images. Conventional film is the only aspect that is taken out by implementing CR, since the rest of the radiology equipment remains more or less the same.

The results, however, are much better compared to older technology, and medicals institutions are sure to get a significant boost in their success rate without having to risk a large sum of investment, thus making CR the dream package for all kinds of medical operations.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Innovation allows radiology equipment to produce digital images

Doctors all around the world have often had to face one of the most critical shortcomings of even the most advanced pieces of radiology equipment, the fact that the images that are produced of X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc. can only be shared with doctors and medical experts in the medical establishment or in the same city at best, if the need arises on an urgent basis. This has sometimes led to incorrect diagnosis that has aggravated the problem even further, sometimes to irrevocable consequences.

However, thanks to a new innovation in the field of radiology, equipments can now actually allow doctors to take digital images that can be sent anywhere in the world to take opinion of doctors and give the appropriate diagnosis for treating the problem in the right manner. Not only is this a very effective means of ensuring that patients are given the best medical attention, it is also a very cost effective means of archiving case histories for future references. What's more, the conversion procedure is also very easy, since all that is needed is to install PACS software using regular PCs, and regular radiology imaging can transform into the digital format without any complications. Truly a remarkable feat that is going to forever change the course of medical sciences for the better.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Portability in radiology equipment : A boon to medical practices

Radiology equipment has certainly made strong headways in the recent times. However, one factor that was always a hindrance for medical professionals was the fact that the patient was always required to come to the hospital or clinic to get their diagnosis. This resulted in the appointment getting delayed, and the patient's condition worsening over a period of time. However, with the rising trend of the internet's involvement in practically every aspect of our lives, that aspect has also been taken care of. Here's how it works.

First, talking about the 'patients not able to visit doctors' part, there is a complete range of mobile/portable radiology equipment that can be used to be taken to patient's home and have proper diagnosis in case the patient is unable to come to the doctor for any reason. Talking about the role on the internet, if the piece of equipment is connected to the web via a laptop, information in any form can be instantly transferred to the medical premises for getting an on the spot opinion on the patient's condition, saving valuable time. Looks like medical science has certainly improved by leaps and bounds, much to the delight of medical professionals as well as patients.